Award-winning 'news' from Wales
Several police riot vans are being shipped over to add to the authenticity
Visitors can pluck fresh sausage rolls straight from the trees
Lorries belonging to the Coed-y-Rhiw County District Council repeatedly told shoppers to ‘Get out of the way you fat bastard. I’ll break your legs'
The results are in. Does your village feature in this year's Top Ten?
Toby Combover has been secertly dating another Croc-wearing Tesla driver for three weeks
The new relief road will allow visitors from England to reach the thriving metropolis of Cardiff much quicker
Cyclist Bradley 'Wiggins' Bellend was adamant he wasn't going to let his foot touch the floor
Sandra Wondergunt had been trapped under her bed cushions for three days
The Senedd has allocated £14bn to bring pink custard back into school lunchtimes
Council workers filled the tunnels in with cement on Friday night in a bid to slow down the influx of England fans
The US President has slapped the large tariff on the pies in response to someone from Cardiff saying something a bit nasty about him online
Plans for the site to be reopened as World of Greggs fell through after the CEO of the consortium ate all the sausage rolls