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  • Motorists left speechless as cyclist stops at red light

Motorists left speechless as cyclist stops at red light

Council officials are still scouring their CCTV footage to corroborate eyewitness accounts

Motorists in Llanelli were left speechless today when a cyclist stopped at a red traffic light.

Eyewitnesses reported the cyclist stopping at a red light and pushing off when the light changed back to green.

Van driver Darren Transit told WalesOnCraic:

“I couldn’t believe my eyeballs. I was expecting him to sail straight through the lights but he actually stopped. He did that annoying thing where he tried to balance on the spot without putting his foot down, which made me want to rev my engine in rage, but fair play to the guy, he had stopped at a red light so I let him off.”

The cyclist complied with the red light rule and stayed behind the line until the light turned to green again.

“The light changed back to green and off he went,” added Mr Transit. “I followed him for a while and was going to wind down my window to congratulate him but he crouched down like a little hedgehog and bombed off at 600 mph.”

Council officials are still scouring their CCTV footage to corroborate eyewitness accounts.

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