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  • Cyclist spends four hours balancing at red light

Cyclist spends four hours balancing at red light

Cyclist Bradley 'Wiggins' Bellend was adamant he wasn't going to let his foot touch the floor

A Cardiff cyclist has spent four hours balancing on his bike at a red light.

Bradley ‘Wiggins’ Bellend was adamant that he wasn’t going to let his foot touch the floor until the lights turned green.

He told WalesOnCraic:

“I like to show off my balancing prowess when I’m waiting at a red light by not letting any of my feet touch the floor. The light had only just turned red when I got there so I made sure that the car behind me was impressed with my balancing skills.

“What I didn’t realise was that there was a fault with the traffic light and it stayed on red for four hours. I have to admit, I was getting a bit bored of balancing there. Even the car behind me got bored and drove off. It was starting to get dark by the time the lights eventually turned green and by that point, I’d been there for over four hours. What I should have done is what all good cyclists do and just rode through the red light. I feel a bit of a fool.”

Balancing at red traffic lights has become a popular pastime for cyclists who like to challenge themselves against the lights.

“I arrive home full of vigour and pride if I manage to out-balance a red traffic light,” added Mr Bellend. “I make my wife so proud.”

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