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  • Year's first gnarly-toed flip-flopper spotted in Wales

Year's first gnarly-toed flip-flopper spotted in Wales

The middle-aged male was brazenly spotted relaxing near the coast in north Wales

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The year’s first gnarly-toed flip-flopper has been spotted near a beach in north Wales.

The middle-aged male was seen lounging in a chair and reading a book in Llandudno.

Eyewitness Sheila Grumblepants said the flip-flopper made no attempt to cover up his talons. She told WalesOnCraic:

“I was minding my own business walking along the coast when I spotted a man in a chair, relaxing with a book. He had his feet up and when I looked, it was then that I spotted that he had flip-flops on. My body went into trauma response and I immediately felt sick. I tried to get away from him but I couldn’t take my eyes off his gnarly toes.

“My husband had to pull me away and throw a bucket of cold water over me to calm me down. I went straight to Superdrug to get myself some sedatives and I ate the whole pack and it gave me the shits.”

Other eyewitnesses say that the flip-flopper remained in the chair for some time.

Town mayor, Jimmy Mangle said:

“Unfortunately, this sort of sight will become more commonplace as the weather hots up. We have placed warning signs around the place but even so, I don’t think anyone is ever prepared for the sight of an unexpected flip-flopper.”

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