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- New political party aims to Make Wales Ok(ish) Again
New political party aims to Make Wales Ok(ish) Again
The party aims to bring back Arfon Haines Davies and reopen Penscynor Wildlife Park

A new political party that has launched in Wales is hoping take Wales back to its glory days and to Make Wales Ok(ish) Again.
The Wales First Street Defence Force Group plans to bring back Arfon Haines Davies and reopen Pensycnor Wildlife Park as a starting point to their manifesto.
Leader Darren ‘Darren’ Fivebellies spoke at the party’s launch at Aberdingdong Leisure Centre last night. He told both of those present:
“We have had enough of everyone taking the piss out of us. They come over here, taking our jobs and women, and leaving us with nothing to do except beat up bus stops. We think it’s time that we took our country back to its glory days. We want to see Arfon Haines Davies back on our tellies and we also want to see the doors to Penscynor Wildlife Park reopened. I used to like it there. Especially that big toucan thing. And that pelican that shat on my grandad’s head. These were the glory days of Wales and we want them back!”
They are hoping that the new party’s slogan - Make Wales Ok(ish) Again - will catch on, especially with those who are disillusioned or looking for someone to blame.
“We’re going to stick it on caps and T-shirts and sell shitloads of them. My mate gets them in from China and he said he can get them tariff-free, which would be nice cos I can go down the Albert and spend the rest on Carling.”
The party is hoping to hold its first conference in Rhyl in the autumn.