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  • MOT-While-You-Wait centres to open at Brynglas Tunnels

MOT-While-You-Wait centres to open at Brynglas Tunnels

Two MOT-While-You-Wait garages will open either side of tunnels, meaning that motorists can get their cars seen to instead of wanting to punch people in the face

Motorists passing through Brynglas Tunnels will soon be able to get their cars MOTd as they wait in traffic.

Two MOT-While-You-Wait garages will open either side of tunnels, meaning that motorists can get their cars seen to instead of wanting to punch people in the face.

MOT centre manager Gary Gearnob told WalesOnCraic:

“We thought we’d open the garages to make a bit of money from people we don’t particularly like. Motorist passing through the Brynglas Tunnels in rush hour traffic will be able to benefit from getting their cars MOT’s while they wait. We’ll also hoover their cars and move their seats forward so that they have to readjust them when they get back in. All in all, we’re onto a winner.”

Motorists have welcomed the news. Craig Belch said:

“Well I may as well get it done while I’m trying to get home. I just hope they serve nice coffee there because I went to one MOT place last year and the coffee machine was shit.”


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