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  • Trump threatens 400% tariff on Clark's pies

Trump threatens 400% tariff on Clark's pies

The US President has slapped the large tariff on the pies in response to someone from Cardiff saying something a bit nasty about him online

US Vice-President Trumple Thinskin has announced a 400% tariff on Clark’s pies that are exported to the US.

The tangerine shitgibbon made the announcement during another round of golf in retaliation for someone from Cardiff saying nasty things about him online.

He told WalesOnCraic:

“You know, these people from Wales, they say such nasty things about me and I gotta tell you, they don’t know who they’re messing with. I’ve heard about these Clare’s Pies. I’ve been told that they’re these really beautiful things. But let me tell you, you don’t mess with the Trump. I’ve instructed my team to slap a 400% tariff on these so-called pies. I’m not sure what that means exactly but I’m sure it’ll be great.”

Trump confirmed that the tariffs will take effect from Monday. A White House spokesman said:

“Our Dear Leader, President Trump is fighting for all Americans and he regrets having to put a tariff on these pies. We’ve heard great things about them but we can’t have people saying nasty things about our king. He’s not to be mocked.”

The world-famous Clark’s pies are made in Cardiff and were invented by Mr Clark, who made pies.


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