Millions are expected to tuck into the carcasses of dead baby sheep – the emblem of rebirth and new life
The Welsh men’s football team could earn themselves a place at Euro 24, putting arseholes across the country into nervous spasms
Welsh parents are said to be the driving force behind the trend, often using it as a popular reply to the question ‘what’s for tea mam?’
Mark Drakeford, who stepped down as Wales’s First Minister, has taken up his new role as a Zumba instructor
The popularity of the idea has been gathering pace since people started waking up and realising that they’ve got five days of shit ahead of them.
The young Welsh team is using this year’s tournament to gain valuable intel on how to beat the other teams in years to come
Scientists believe that the signals were coming from a Cardiff commuter who had got off at the wrong train station from London
“We want to make Wales a more peaceful and pleasant place to live, work, and to go dogging,” said the Minister for Spending Money On Impractical Stuff, Dai Windy
A new camouflage clothing shop that has opened in Cardiff has gone unnoticed by local shoppers
Motorists who chose ‘Dai’ to navigate them, have been told to ‘go over by yer, round by there and over by yer’.
Cushions Anonymous will allow women to call in confidence to talk about their addiction to buying soft furnishings