The Welsh government will be giving them a leaflet, asking them to leave the country
The Welsh government is also seeking to take the Kennett and Avon Canal by force
The newly installed president says he wants to strengthen trans-Atlantic ties with the south Wales metropolis
Reggie Scrote gets up at sparrow's fart to use his collection of noisy power tools
Tina Grumble had previously told her husband not to open a new loaf of bread until the last one had been finished
The cold weather has turned many people into proper whinging bastards
The country ground to a halt after a splodge of wet sleet and snow
Glenda Lardarse put her membership card to good use this morning
2025 sets out its stall early with some pretty shitty weather
Shoppers were hoping to get refunds so they can afford to eat in January
Passers-by thought that vaper Gary Glumchops was about to present an episode of the popular 90s entertainment show
Manflu more than 100% worse than normal flu, according to scientists